Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring is Sneaking Into Our Bones

It's been a "No Myth," Michael Penn day. (by the week...btw this is about to get tangential and ungate-kept as fucK: is the earth's rotation speeding up? The weeks are going by TOO fast! I had no idea it was already late-Feb. Just getting used to 2009 and then all of a sudden the Spring Break.)

"There are some things in life you can not measure by degrees...and looking for some parallel
can be an endless game...I'm between the poles and the equator...what if I were Romeo in black jeans?...."

Today was exhausting and fruitless.

Watched a pirated copy of Gran Torino. I thought it was aight. White wine and cynicism = the name of my animated morning show where me and a psychedelic robot dinosaur on a skateboard listen to disco music on a hollowed-out school bus. Of course with a premise like that, it will only air in Germany which will make the weather report on the precipitous goings-on of North America all the less relevant. In the future irrelevance will = relevance. In fact, we're already there.

Also, Rubies: "Everything is falling down around me; and I can't see that it's got to be up to me. Come tomorrow when everything is new: I feel electric"

What I said remains true, Fierce. And I would agree if you said you suspected you haven't held your writing efforts up to your own high standard of talent. But I especially haven't lately either. Like my tattoo says: "One Day at a Time"...well I don't have any tattoos. But if I did it might say that because it's the best advice for someone who is honestly on their way up or out or on, but of his or her own volition.

(I am going to figure out how to actually have the songs for stream or download on my blog, but for now bare with me when I say): This Blog has The Rosebuds "Get Up Get Out" that I think is fitting.

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