Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Taken Home

Originally from Virginia--and with much of my family and memories still residing in and around the Appalachian Mountains--there's something about John Denver's "Country Road" that feels like home. The whining violin: the synesthetic companion to passing headlights bending across nicotine-dressed wood paneling. Whiskey and cornbread. Unswept linoleum curls up to meet the refrigerator's when-I-feels-like-it exhaust in an almost-hug. The drowning of puppies too blind to hunt. The smell of venison steaks and horse shit. Drunk and incoherent: an uncle in a lounge chair, babbling at the (n)(m)oon. Wombs stretched thin and low with Love's bounty. A humid morning: daybreak on bare feet in pebbly or sealed driveways where dandelions soon defy oil slicks and leaving. A horse in a field where the electric fence is never on.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stop Twittering, NPR

If you use Twitter and you're following NPRnews, you're probably getting about 8 tweets a day about how it's going to cover the inauguration. Can I just ask, "What the hell is wrong with you NPR?" How many Ira Flato look-alikes have the Twitter account password and are junk-tweeting? Their tweets just tend to repeat non-info about an event for which people need no encouragement to contribute what they see. Am I wrong?

"yall...I'm really scared Inaug 2K9 will go over with some flair and contain some 'historic poignancy' but ultimately I just won't 'get it'. Wish I could read some on-the-ground coverage//analysis//headlines sent directly from a googlephone/iphone/blackberry..."

Just Say Yes

It’s true…acid just sort of comes to you. And it’s always as a result of the larger machinations of the things that make you ‘you’. You see, the acid market resists fads and cool. It can not even be deemed a "market" as there is no bankable supply and no sure demand. That and too few are interested in what acid does. It is the existentialist’s drug and too many just seek to belong [via Animal Collective or Pizza or kiffeyehs]

I might be wrong [via thommy yorke], but no one plans on doing acid. You just get a call from someone you used to hang out with: they got deep into H and/or became goth…whatever…anyway, they call you on a boring thursday and ask you if you want to get some acid. Always say yes.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


1.Oh a lack of evidence of activity here.

2. Keeping analog notes for the moment. They tend to not translate as well. Then again (and maybe a reader or two will find this to be true) some thoughts require a specific medium through which to be expressed. I have this yellow legal pad (I've received one of these at every job I've had over the past year) and it's blank pages have been asking me the best questions as of late.

3. "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves" - the Terminator

Watching T2 reveals 20-year-old assumptions about cigarette usage, Cool (with a capital 'C') and notions of good and evil. Part of the movie was filmed just down the road in Fontana and then more was filmed in the other direction in Victorville.

Anyway, this was one of my favorite movies between the ages of 8 and 11. Guns and suspense had a lot to do with my positive aesthetic response as a child.

And now the Terminator is my governor. I think this is really funny. Except for the fact that my tax return is being terminated because the Governor and State Reps can't get their shit in one sock.

Too tired to be clever or creative. Just wanted to touch base.