Monday, January 19, 2009

Stop Twittering, NPR

If you use Twitter and you're following NPRnews, you're probably getting about 8 tweets a day about how it's going to cover the inauguration. Can I just ask, "What the hell is wrong with you NPR?" How many Ira Flato look-alikes have the Twitter account password and are junk-tweeting? Their tweets just tend to repeat non-info about an event for which people need no encouragement to contribute what they see. Am I wrong?

"yall...I'm really scared Inaug 2K9 will go over with some flair and contain some 'historic poignancy' but ultimately I just won't 'get it'. Wish I could read some on-the-ground coverage//analysis//headlines sent directly from a googlephone/iphone/blackberry..."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So long Bush cowboy. Good riddance.