Sunday, February 8, 2009

Angry Whopper

Had a dream last night that had me waking up scared to death.
It's sort of Matrix + 1984:

Only me and a few others realize we're being monitored. Everyone is being monitored, but the means by which this surveillance is undertaken is very natural feeling: It is the air we breathe. It is the food we eat. It is the rain that soaks our scalps.

A man points this out to me and tells me to remove my glasses. I am aware they cameras are concealed inside the frames so that everything I see and hear is transmitted.

And then an absolutely sublime scene unfolds behind the man. Imagine a series of ferris wheels and each "seat" is a moment of time; a date; an hour; a month and when the seats move they interconnect in a chemical/physical bond with other ferris wheel seats. I watch this and understand the process as the generation of existence; the essence of DNA: time, light, space being born at the micro-molecular level.

Like Neo in the Matrix, my awareness makes me a target of those governing the world. Kinda cheesey, I know.
They use robots who look like human beings, but move with ornate inconsistency. They pose questions that are irrationally benign. In order to save my family from these robots, I have to shoot the human-like robots in the eyes. I scramble for bullets in a cabinet to load a small revolver as one ascends the stairs, asking "what are you doing inside on such a nice day?" But it is night time. I shoot it in the right eye and fire a few more shots, missing. The robot is aware it's been shot, but in an inhuman way, it asks me why I would shoot it. I jam a broom handle into its eye socket and I feel metal and glass and it falls.

The best part is witnessing the creation of time. I couldn't sleep; considering the possibilities of time manifesting in each of our cells is beautiful. It was a deeper experience lying in bed, observing the creekings of the house and the tickings of the slow California rain. But I was certain the robots were after me.

1 comment:

things. said...

I recently purchased "How to Interpret Your Own Dreams (In One Minute or Less)" at Goodwill. I spent much time searching for some meaning in regards to yours. I've never given much thought to interpreting my dreams yet have always had a VERY (troublingly) active dream-life. It seemed like a good idea. I'm not sure how much credence I give to this sort of shit, but I bought it, so I might as well try it out.
Obviously, the book is of little use in figuring out your dream (clearly modern references/book pub. in 1970) but here are some themes that may/may not be present:
Surveillance (via watchman): control: law and order--whether that of the universe as perceived by the individual's inner conscience and therefore self-control, or such external authority as the individual's father or anyone who seeks to impose conventional morality, standard religious principles, etc. Therefore inhibitions. The conscious mind, which may be controlling or hindering as the rest of the personality.
"Watching time:" going around in circles, therefore inner tension.*though probably too broad to explain your dream*
The Hero (as an archetype:) The daring and initiative of the individual, his will and driving force. This aggressive male attitude has been so adulated in all spheres that it isn't usually hard to observe the direction and outlet this particular vital force is finding for itself, even though the trend be antiheroic on the surface.
The Hero: Good v. evil: megalomania v. self-sacrifice; the heroic Self may appear in a young man's dreams or fantasies to lend him the confidence that he has this strength within him, perhaps in order to compensate for conscious feelings of weakness, or to encourage him to stand on his own in his rebellion against an oppressive force.
Fighting: A moral struggle or a mental conflict.
This book is fairly useless but there you go. Your dream, interpreted. Sort of. Not really.